Introduce Yourself Here

My name is Julie, but I typically go by cheshirecat. I am a nurse and have been enjoying YP since near the beginning and from there backtracked to Artifice. I am thoroughly enjoying the stories, but I also really appreciate the community as well.


Hi, Julie! Welcome! It’s great to see you here and get to know a bit more about you!

Cool to hear that you’re enjoying the stories (and that you’re a nurse! Making the world a better place!)

Thank you for being such a great part of our community! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Alex!:smile_cat:


Hi! I’ve been hanging around reading since around chapter one of engaging the enemy. I think I was still in high school back then??? :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I am, as you can guess, a theydy! You may call me Fae, Theydy, or Theydy Fae if you wanna be fancy. For simplicity sake, I use they pronouns!

I live in the bible belt as a queer pagan and I am happily polyamorously married to a wonderful equally queer hubby. I am currently employed as a sales rep doing a lot of work from home.

When not working or studying, I enjoy being crafty, spending time outside, reading, or sometimes playing games.

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Howdy Fae!

So great to see you here! You’ve been reading since the beginning of ETE? That’s awesome!

It sounds like you’ve carved out a very cool life there in the bible belt. I’m really glad you found my work. And I hope to see you here often in the comments.


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For what it’s worth, sorry I haven’t been posting much in the last half-year. I had a downturn in fortunes last summer and was forced to move out of the rooming house I was in (because it was sold to a developer) and the only place I was able to afford is basically a slumlord’s building that’s been somewhat less than ideal in many respects, including which that I didn’t have any decent way to get internet into my new room.

And I have been having trouble fully moving in. I wasn’t able to transport my old IKEA shelves, and half of my stuff is still in storage, partly because it’s an hour away and I don’t drive and I had the further misfortune to break my right elbow and right shoulder in a bad fall last September. The arm has mostly healed since then, except that I never gained full mobility and there’s an extremely gross infection bubble that looks like the Eye of Sauron where the surgery scar is. Yeah, they had to put a metal something in to replace the end part of the elbow that snapped off. Fun times.

So there’s been a lot to deal with. Still is. But I finally lucked into getting internet into my room here, at least for a few months, so I thought I should post an update. Rest assured, I’m still reading and enjoying the comic, even if I haven’t been commenting.


hi im thomas
and i love your stuff and im gay too

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so would I
I wana red em too

hey i’m a writer too
wanna cat

hi mari im thomas
and hlow are you

hi im thomas
and i love to write stories

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hey wanna chat

Hey what up

Looks like I should belatedly update my situation since it’s much improved since my last post. I moved out from the horrible slum and into a real apartment administered as by the city, and it’s rent geared to income so I can afford it. It’s easily the nicest place I’ve lived in the last twenty years, and I can walk around naked all day without sharing the kitchen or bathroom with anyone.

The arm infection problem got solved too. After consultations and tests, my surgeon concluded that the metal in my arm must itself be infected, so I had another surgery to remove it. That surgery went perfectly, and I didn’t need any physiotherapy afterwards. I can’t claim my arm is now “good as new”, but it’s definitely “good enough”.

I’ve also found a new thing to get addicted to, Infinite Craft at, where you can combine two things into a third thing. The game uses the internet and AI so anything can potentially be made. This morning, I tried to find The Young Protectors and I succeeded:

I actually managed to find myself in the game a few months ago too, thanks for asking.

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hey Mari what up