I’m curious about the Platinum Priestess’s past, and although I can hardly expect Alex to summarize a few thousand years of her life into a couple paragraphs, I hope it’s okay to ask where the ‘priestess’ part of her moniker came from. Is she (or was she) really a priestess in the service of a particular god, goddess, pantheon, or similar entity/entities? And if so, may we know who the lucky deity is or was?
Apologies if I’m asking for info that must remain secret for now, or if it’s already been revealed to Patreon supporters.
No worries for asking. There is only so much I can reveal right now, as it’s more fun to reveal these things in-story. I will say that she was indeed a priestess (or, at least, a priestess-in-training) in her youth, but to beings whose names have not withstood the ages. We see a bit of this in the art for her First Time card. 
I don’t remember this! Not surprising really. With the amount of abuse this old wizards head has taken!
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Haven’t you shown Alex, in a tale or two that the Platinum Priestess has been in many a battle or “life” throughout the ages?
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There’s this double-page spread:
But no stories. Yet.