The Young Protectors—Spooky Jones: Past Sins—Page 66

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Bad touch.

It’s been a while since I’ve run a promotion for the Kindle version of Artifice. And it seems like in the meantime, Amazon had some kind of glitch so most of the “helpful/not helpful” recommendations on the reviews have vanished. So! Next week from Wednesday through Sunday, I’m going to be making the Kindle version of Artifice free. Like with the Kindle version of The Young Protectors Volume One, I spent a bunch of money setting Artifice up for the Kindle Comics Panel View feature, so it’s a pretty fun way to read it. If you (or a friend) hasn’t yet gotten a copy of my first graphic novel on Kindle yet, put those dates on your calendar!

Over on the Patreon page, it’s the beginning of the month when credit cards are currently being processed so the number currently doesn’t reflect reality. For one thing, it looks like are issues with over 20 Patron credit cards, so if you notice that you’re suddenly not getting Patreon updates, that’s probably the culprit. Usually a quick check of your payment prefs over at Patreon is all you need to get things back up and running, though. 🙂

In the meantime, I’d like to send out a very special thank you and welcome to our new Patrons this week!

Marius, David E., Loyde H., James P. and Leigh Ann S.

And I’d also like to thank the totally awesome folks who were already Patrons, but who upped their pledge this week:

James A., Saxon B. and Hereward M.

(Thank you so much, James, Saxon and Hereward!)

Thank you all so much for your amazing support of this comic!

So! Good thing this demon didn’t make things creepy or anything. But it looks like Spooky is having none of it. And now he has the power to set some very firm limits. Has Velliok finally gone too far? Has his arrogance submarined his own plan? What do you think Spooky is going to do next?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀