The Young Protectors: Legendary Chapter Two—Page 12

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Over on the Patreon page, $5+ Patrons are voting for another pin-up, this time based on the last few uncensored pages of Legendary Chapter One.

And in other news, I noticed that long-time reader and supporter, Carlos Albuquerque, has a new LGBT YA novel out, Fallen Máni: First Ætt, which they are currently making available for free on Amazon for a limited time. It’s a fantasy involving a Moon God “incarnated as a boy, Manuel” up against the God of Day and some “evil wolves”—if that sounds up your alley, you should definitely check it out. 🙂

So! Kissing! Door busting! Polite requests! And it looks like on the next page, the clothes come off! What’s the first bit of cloth that will hit the floor?

Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀