Original comic page at: https://youngprotectors.com/typ2-patreon/legendary-ch1-page-15/
Never retreat! Never surrender!
This page was particularly tough to censor artfully. Part of that is indeed Spooky’s extra girth (since it’s all about the D on this page), and part of that is what Kyle then does with that extra girth — with panels 4 and 5, I kinda had to show all or nothing. The next page is also going to be a tough-y. But with Page 17, I should be able to make the SFW pages here pretty again — and Kyle’s dialogue should also make it clear exactly what I’ve had to hide here, so you’ll still be able to follow along. 😉
In other news, you guys continue being amazing over on the Patreon page. We’ve now leapt past $7000 in support, which means as of now, I’m officially breaking even again with my expenses (paying the artists, rent, etc.) I am tremendously grateful to all of you (and I talk a bit more about that here). Thank you so, so much!
Also, over on Patreon, I’m having Patrons vote on their favorite panel so I can create a special reward in the future. For Page 14, Panel 3 is the clear winner with 41% of the votes. (Panels 1 and 2 got about 25% of the vote each.) Looks like I’m not the only one who really liked our guys there! I wonder what panel will win for this page?
Finally, I’m at YaoiCon in Santa Clara this weekend, October 6-8. I’m at Booth 24 in the Dealer’s Hall. If you’re going to be there, please stop by and say hi!
So! Seems like Spooky’s a big boy. But Kyle is undaunted. How will Kyle use his superhero courage in this particular situation?
Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀