Original comic page at: https://youngprotectors.com/typ3/doublecross-ch1-page-4/
See, Mitch?!
We’re just $1 away from tipping over $6,200/month on the Patreon page, if you’ve been on the fence about supporting. Just saying… 🙂
And speaking of our awesome Patrons, I want to to send out a very special thank you and welcome to our new Patrons this week!
Evan B., Ross B., marchismo, W, Zirosto1
Thank you all so much for your amazing support of this comic! You all rock!
So! Spooky thinks the glowing bone fragment is worth checking out! What could it be? And where will it lead?
(To Superhero Adventure, I’d suspect. But right now I’d settle for a great taco. Mmm. Tacos.)
Tune in this Wednesday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀