Original comic page at: The Young Protectors: Double-Cross Chapter One—Page 1 - Young Protectors Webcomics
“Double-Cross,” the new arc of The Young Protectors for all readers, begins!
(“Double-Cross” is the 3rd story arc of the The Young Protectors comic. You can read the entire first story arc, “Engaging the Enemy,” for free here. And you can read the second completed story arc, “Spooky Jones: Past Sins,” starting here.)
And… it’s Spooky and Flyboy! (Hi, Mitch! Long time, no see! Looking fierce, my friend!) Do our boys know how to make an entrance or what?
After a little intimate time in Legendary, our heroes are back to doing what they do best: being superheroes. And it looks like Mitch’s old friend Kanya (from the “Flyboy Bonus Comic“) has gotten herself into a spot of trouble. You think Flyboy and Spooky will be able to do something about that?
And speaking of Flyboy, to celebrate our four year anniversary of support on Patreon, I commissioned something very, very special from rockstar artist, Travis Moore: a full-color pin-up of Flyboy & Cory, holding hands…. a mile or two up in the air!
I think it might be my favorite pin-up ever.
Here are what others are saying:
“Wow, this pin-up is so gorgeous, I think it might be my new favourite, too. What a stunning work of art. The colours in the clouds are just magical, and the sense of motion the whole piece conveys is awesome. ”
“Awww! 💕 That’s literally what I said when I saw it. 🤗”
“This is so endearing and cute!”
And here is a cropped version of the full image:

Feel the love.
All Patrons (even brand new ones!) get to download the full version of this pin-up as a special wallpaper. If you like what you see here and want to help me keep making this comic, please join your fellow readers on Patreon and download the full version of this amazing pin-up now!
And speaking of our awesome Patrons, it’s my great pleasure to send out a very warm Patreon anniversary thank yous to those who have been supporting our work consistently:
First for a a Patron who’s been supporting for the last 12 months as of this week (Feb 10-16):
Danielle S.
(You rock, Danielle!)
And also for a Patron who’s been supporting for 24 months of this week (Feb 10-16):
D P.
(Two years of support! Thank y’all so much, D P.!)
And finally, it’s my great pleasure to send an extra huge thank you to those Patrons who have been supporting this comic and our work from the very beginning!
Here are the Patrons who have been supporting me and this comic for 48 months (4 years!) as of this week (Feb 10-16):
epilonious, jackbookpro, Ryan, Josephine B., Tobin B., Matthew D., R F., Aaron G., Brooke J., Joel K., TJ K., and Hayyim O.
(YAY, y’all! Thank you so much for sticking with me so long! I’m deeply grateful to each and every one of you! Happy Anniversary!)
Thank you all so, so much for your amazing, ongoing support! It’s the consistent support that makes Patreon so helpful to creators, and is so essential to my ability to continue making this comic! You all are SUPERHEROES!
So! With this page we have fun, new pin-art! And a heroic start for the new arc of The Young Protectors! What’s Kanya doing in that hotel room? What are Spooky and Flyboy going to do about the dudes guarding her? And what’s next for the heroes of The Young Protectors?
Tune in this Saturday to find out! Hope to see you there! 😀