Well, that’s very disturbing. I know I warned Cory not to touch that bone artifact or let anyone else touch it, but somehow I forgot to say don’t fling it about and don’t let anyone bleed all over it! I swear, when I jump to conclusions, I fall into a loophole.
So. That bone artifact sure looks like ribs. One rib is missing. Dare we suppose those are Adam’s Ribs? Oh, not necessarily the Biblical Adam’s actual ribs, but probably someone’s ribs that have been blessed and inscribed and so on so they magically represent Adam’s ribs. They could very well symbolize them.
They don’t really seem quite the right shape to be human ribs, but what do I know? The true origin of those bones might not even matter as long as the ribs make the magicians think of the appropriate symbols the right way.
Ehn. Maybe the ribs are from some ancient animal sacrifice, and there’s plenty of those in the Bible as well. This may be going back to Solomon again or someone else. Still not enough information to really make a good guess.
I do think that that splashing of blood on the artifact is going to have an effect. Maybe the ribs will enflesh themselves so someone can make a rather gruesome entrance. Maybe a ghostly shadow will briefly appear near the ribs. Maybe the ribs will animate and start talking. Maybe the ribs will unexpectedly shatter. Maybe the ribs will be drawn into a crazy’s chest, merging them together.
Like, it would help if we knew what the original ritual was supposed to accomplish, both from the crazies’ viewpoint and the Platinum Priestess’s. I doubt what Sircea wanted had much to do with what they wanted.